Body Tips

Skin Brushing 

Brushing your skin every day before a shower, oxygenates the blood, strengthens the immune system and removes toxins. Every move should be directed toward the heart. It's a secret for silky skin...

Removing Make-up

Remove your make- up with a carrier oil (an oil which has not been infused, such as Rapeseed oil, Sunflower oil). After removing your make-up, cleanse your skin with a herbal soap (a soap made using natural herbs and ingredients). This double cleanser will dissolve any oil residue.

Tonic lotion / Elixir oil / Moisturiser

For a natural anti-ageing tonic lotion, boil green tea leaves and let them infuse overnight. Drain and freeze the leftover liquid in an ice tray. Use this tonic ice cube to rub on your face; you will see an immediate result... your skin will glow!
Once you have used the tonic, apply our Elixir oil (a combination of herbs and flower extract) to protect the skin.The final stage of layering is by using our cream for your face and Lip moisturiser/Lip Balm on your lips. 
This skin rituals will help your skin to keep its tone or as they would say in France an "art de vivre". 

Sleeping tips

Sleeping is extremely important for our well-being and is seriously undervalued in our current modern lifestyles. Having a good routine helps to keep our circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle) functioning: 8 hours per a night is recommended for adult and elderly. 
Making small changes to your daily bedtime routine will help the quality of your sleep in the long run. Start by ensuring all the lights are as dim as possible so your body can start to switch off. Focusing on breathing slowly, in and out has also really helped me in the past.